WordPress 101: Start Your Website with These Online Courses

People often say that it’s never too late to study. This expression works great with the web-development in particular. I have a lot of friends who started to develop websites just by taking as weekly online courses and dedicating themselves to this purpose for some time.

Here at Templateog体育首页, we do not develop websites, we help you to develop your websites yourself and we want your projects to look beautiful stylish and gorgeous.

That’s why we have created a huge catalog of templates that you can build a website with! It doesn’t matter whether you are building it on WordPress, Joomla or Drupal. We have plenty of top quality website templates here and everyone will find something to fit his or her needs.

However, while sitting and drinking coffee at lunch a few days ago we discussed the fact that we also want our customers to know where they can learn how to work with WordPress in particular, for example. So that’s why today I’m proud to show you this WordPress 101 article. It’s gonna be your guide in the dark woods of the courses websites. We will create a list of the best WordPress courses around and you will be able to choose the courses that fit your goals.

Free courses for everyone

Online Courses

Level up your WordPress skills and understand the best practices

From a beginner's settings to more advanced hints, tips and tricks. These manuals will help you get and polish your WordPress skills effectively.

Online Courses

How To Create A Website using WordPress (Step by Step)

13 lectures - 1 hour - Beginner Level

Basically, this course covers all the basics you need to create a simple homepage along with the most important pages: homepage, contact us page and services page. You will learn how to create a domain, upload your website to the hosting, install wordpress along with the needed plugins and edit the content to create the fully-functional website.

Online Courses

Getting Started With WordPress - A Beginners Guide

60 lectures - 6 hours - Beginner Level

Did you just install the WordPress and do not know where to go from there? This course will guide you through all the most important ins and outs of working with this CMS. Once you have finished the course, consider yourself a person who can help others to create a simple website or a small portfolio. This is worth taking, seriously.

Online Courses

Create a WordPress Website for Your Web Design Business

24 lectures - 1 hour - Beginner Level

This one will work great for those who value their time and want to take a shorter road, this course is definitely going to save you some time.

Online Courses

WordPress Training for Beginners

23 lectures - 3 hours - Beginner Level

You will learn everything from installing WP to learning how to post content and all this stuff will be brought to you in 3 hours. Speaker will take a very detailed look at the WordPress Dashboard that may look complicated to newbies, which is cool.

Online Courses

WordPress for Beginners: Create Professional Websites

54 lectures - 6.5 hours - Beginner Level

This course claims to be the most extensive and the most detailed guide to the WordPress universe. If you check out the sections that the speaker will bring to you, you will see that they seem to tell the truth.

How To Make a WordPress Website 2017 -Elementor Page Builder

32 lectures - 3 hours - Beginner Level

This course will show you how to work with the Elementor Page Builder. I would recommend you check this out since we are about to bring the Elementor builder to some of our templates, it seems to perform great and we always strive to bring our customers the coolest plugins, builders, and features.

Online Courses

How To Make a Beautiful WordPress Website Without Coding!

23 lectures - 2 hours - Beginner Level

You don't really need to know code to create beautiful websites. Take this course and you'll see that I'm telling the truth!

Online Courses

Installing WordPress for Beginners (Step by Step)

15 lectures - 33 mins - Beginner Level

This is a more detailed guide to the installation process, not about the content creation and managing. However, it will show you in details how to set everything up to make it ready to go live.

Online Courses

Make a WordPress Portfolio Website

25 lectures - 2.5 hours - Beginner Level

If you are a creative person or simply a freelancer, you definitely need a portfolio. It’s a great way to showcase your work to the potential clients, so take this course and go get them, tiger!

Online Courses

How to Make a Resume Website With WordPress

12 lectures - 1.5 hours - Beginner Level

Does your CV suck? It’s not a rare problem out there, so let this course help you to create a cool resume, the one you will be happy to show to anyone.

Online Courses

How to Start a WordPress Blog - Complete Beginners Guide!

32 lectures - 2 hours - Beginner Level

Blogging is very popular way to express yourself and give your ‘voice’ to reach people’s minds. Take this course and create a great-looking blog. Use this platform to express your feelings, tell your stories and simply talk to the audience you aim for.

Templateog体育首页 Certification Center

Online Courses

Diving deeper into the WordPress can pay off! Did you know that you can get a Templateog体育首页 certificate and showcase it to your clients or simply in your portfolio? In order to get a certificate, you need to prove your knowledge by taking a test.

Pay now - thank yourself later

Online Courses

WordPress for Beginners - Master WordPress Quickly

81 lectures - 9 hours - Beginner Level

This is the course I personally liked, cause it’s speaker approaches everything being so excited and positive. You will not only learn how to use WordPress but also enjoy the whole process.

Online Courses

WordPress for Beginners

19 lectures - 2 hours - Beginner Level

Approach WordPress knowing nothing about web-development and this course will come handy. You will learn all the basics and go from creating a domain name to managing a top-quality website.

Online Courses

WordPress Academy: Learn WordPress step by step

79 lectures - 7.5 hours - Beginner Level

This course is more complicated since you will need to have some general HTML & CSS knowledge. Besides the fact that you’ll learn everything from the scratch, but you will also learn how to turn templates into the WordPress themes.

Online Courses

WordPress for Beginners: You Can Start Using WordPress Today

100 lectures - 7.5 hours - Beginner Level

The speaker of this course remembers what it’s like to be a ‘WordPress virgin’ and he knows exactly how to make it easier for you to go down this road from the complete newbie to a master of WordPress.

Online CoursesHow To Build a Website With WordPress...Fast! [Beginners]

12 lectures - 1.5 hours - Beginner Level

Less than 4 hours… That’s how much you need to build a complete and eye-catching WordPress website with this course. Do I really need to say something else about this one?

Online Courses

WordPress For Beginners: Create a Professional Website

35 lectures - 1.5 hours - Beginner Level

This is the course that will give you a perfect understanding that you don’t really need to know how to code in order to create great websites.

Online Courses

Create Your First WordPress Site in Under an Hour

12 lectures - 1 hour - Beginner Level

Focusing on such things as themes and plugins is the main point of this course. It’s quite short yet really good.

Online Courses

WordPress for Beginners - Build Your First Website in 2017

88 lectures - 7 hours - Beginner Level

Understanding of how the plugins and themes actually work is a crucial part of the web-development experience. This course will give you this understanding and you will know how to handle the most important operations of creating and modifying your website.

Online Courses

WordPress Essential Training

5h 28m - Beginner

If you want to learn how to work with the content in WordPress, that’s the course for you, trust me!

Online Courses

Installing and running WordPress: WAMP

56m 10s - Beginner

Learn how to use the local server to work with WordPress with this course. It will help you to understand how to deal with WordPress on your own PC without taking it to the hosting.

Online Courses

What Is WordPress?

20 minute - Beginner

More basic course that gives you a general understanding of what is WordPress CMS and why the hell do you need it.

Online Courses

WordPress Basics

100-minute WordPress Course - Beginner

Learn all the basics in less than 2 hours. This is the guide that works great for those who took the one above.

Online Courses

How to Install WordPress on Your Computer

23-minute - Beginner

This is the course that will give you a strong understanding that you don’t need the hosting and domain to prepare your website. You can work with WordPress on your local computer and then transfer it to the hosting.

Online Courses

Local WordPress Development

26-minute - Beginner

This one will join the one above. I believe that this topic should be covered in full, that’s why I this is the third course about it.

Pay and master the WordPress ins and outs

Online Courses

SEO For WordPress [Expert]: #1 Step-by-Step SEO Blueprint

12 lectures - 1.5 hours - Expert Level

It’s always great to learn the basics, but you should always keep progressing. Once you finished the courses above, take this one to learn why SEO is important and how to work with it.

Online Courses

The Complete WordPress Development & Customization Course

157 lectures - 12.5 hours - Expert Level

Customization is the process that helps you to make your website stand out from the crowd. Take this course and learn how to build unique websites.

Online Courses

WordPress Development

41 lectures - 3 hours - Expert Level

Integrating your website with the social media and why plugins/widgets matter for increasing profitability of your website. These are the topics that will be covered here.

Online Courses

Guide to Using WordPress to Make Pro Websites Efficiently

12 lectures - 1.5 hours - Expert Level

It’s all about efficiency, guys. Take this course to learn how to work with WordPress in a more efficient way and create good website in a short amount of time.

Online Courses

WordPress Development - Themes, Plugins & Single Page Apps

131 lectures - 19.5 hours - Intermediate Level

Get a strong understanding of the architecture of the WordPress plugins and themes. This course will need you to know how to work with CSS, HTML, PHP and JavaScript, so make sure you are ready for this one.

Online Courses

How to Build WordPress Themes: A Web Designer's Guide

47 lectures - 5.5 hours - Intermediate Level

This is more of a web-designing guide, not a web-development. However, it’s really great to know how to take a template and create a WordPress theme.

Online Courses

Build an Advanced Single Page with Bootstrap & WordPress

77 lectures - 6 hours - Intermediate Level

Bootstrap and WordPress. Learn how to use them in the most efficient way and mix it out while creating a good website.

Online Courses

WordPress Tips and Tricks

35 lectures - 2 hours - Intermediate Level

Unusual tips and tricks that you will definitely like. Let’s admit it, it’s always great to find out some hidden gems among the feature that you didn’t notice!

Online Courses

How to Safely Copy and Move Your WordPress Website

20 lectures - 1.5 hours - Intermediate Level

Once you’ve created a website on the localhost, take this course to learn how to move the WordPress website or copy it somewhere else.

Online Courses

WordPress Theme Academy with Bootstrap

64 lectures - 7.5 hours - Intermediate Level

This is a very strong camp that will help you to navigate through the Bootstrap + WordPress knowledge base.

Wrapping things up

WordPress may seem complicated to you if you are not familiar with any CMS yet. However, make no mistake: it's the most convenient and easy in use platform that helps you to build a website of any kind. You can build a blog, a store or a huge online magazine, it's up to you to decide.

I genuinely believe that these list of courses will help you master the WordPress and take the most of it!

On our side, we are happy to let you know that we can offer you a huge catalog of premium WordPress themes to choose from. Pick one and build a website of your dreams today!

If you won't want to mess with WordPress admin you are welcome to take a look at our Ready To Use Website offer.

With the help of our Service Center, you will get a completely ready to use website in a matter of a few days. Just spit out your preferences and we'll get the rest of the job done.

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Alex Tkachenko

Creative writer passionate about WordPress and all that technical stuff. Meet Alex in person on LinkedIn.

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